我喜歡的演技派男星:Edward Norton - Dearest ...- udn部落格 首先我要說,這傢伙並不是個帥哥,他的應勾鼻太大、年紀不小了、臉也長得普通,但是Edward Norton卻是我非常欣賞的演技派明星。 最早知道他,是在Richard ...
Edward Norton | Facebook Edward Norton. 10,982 likes · 16 talking about this. Edward Harrison Norton (born August 18, 1969) is an American film actor, screenwriter and director. In 1996, his supporting role in the courtroom drama Primal ...
Edward Norton | Facebook Edward Norton. 735,557 likes · 3,922 talking about this. This is the official Facebook page for Edward Norton ... Win a $500 Gift Card to Fancy.com. Donate at least $20 from 1/10 at 9:00am ET to 1/16 at 3:00pm ET ...